Community Data Improves Great Lakes Ice Prediction Models

The Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS) has launched a community program asking ice fishing anglers and others on the Great Lakes to measure and report ice thickness and other conditions […]

Geese Populations Impact Michigan Water Quality

Canada geese populations in Michigan have increased significantly after being nearly extinct in the mid-20th century. The state now has around 280,000 geese. While they were once migratory, climate change […]

Bird Flu Outbreak Among Lake Michigan Ducks

The Chicago Bird Collision Monitors have reported a growing bird flu outbreak along Lake Michigan, particularly affecting red-breasted merganser ducks that migrate to Chicago for the winter. Symptoms of the […]

Results of DNR’s 2024 Great Lakes Fisheries Survey

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) conducts extensive surveys of Great Lakes fisheries every year, from April to November, to gather data on fish populations, health, and the impact […]

MSU Seeks Weir Removal to Improve River Health

Michigan is actively removing aging dams and weirs, structures used to control water flow across rivers and streams, as they near the end of their useful lives. The Michigan Department […]

A Legacy of Fighting Invasive Lamprey

Vernon C. Applegate led efforts to control the invasive sea lamprey population in the Great Lakes. The sea lamprey, a parasitic fish, wreaked havoc on the region’s fishing industry, particularly […]

How Michigan’s Pond Life Survives Winter

When a pond freezes over in winter, the ice acts as an insulating layer, allowing a vibrant ecosystem of aquatic organisms to thrive underneath.  Fish such as bluegill, northern pike, […]

EGLE Approves Grand River Rapids Restoration

Grand Rapids received its name from the whitewater rapids on the Grand River, which were removed in the late 1800s and early 1900s.  Efforts to restore the rapids have been […]

EPA Bans Toxic TCE to Protect Michigan’s Groundwater

The Environmental Protection Agency announced a nationwide ban on trichloroethylene (TCE), a soil and groundwater contaminant found at over 300 sites in Michigan.  TCE is commonly used as a solvent […]

US Senate Passes Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Act of 2024

On December 5, 2024, the US Senate passed the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) Act of 2024 in a bipartisan vote.  GLRI was established by Congress  in 2010 to allow […]