Michigan Trout Unlimited

P.O. Box 442
Dewitt, MI 48820-8820
Email: bryanburroughs@michigantu.org
Website: https://www.michigantu.org/
Visit the website to connect with your local chapter.
Michigan Trout Unlimited is the coordination and representation for 19 local chapters of TU and over 8,000 individuals, devoted to the conservation, protection and restoration of Michigan’s coldwater fish and their watersheds. Michigan is blessed with a vast wealth of wonderful and unique trout streams, over 11,000 inland lakes, and the largest sources of cold freshwater in North America – the Great Lakes. Michigan TU does whatever it takes to advocate for the prudent management of these resources, including on-the-ground stream improvements, angler & steward education, research, partnerships and collaboration with other conservation groups and governmental agencies, and policy development. Michigan is the birthplace of Trout Unlimited, and Michigan TU continues that proud heritage with its work today.
How you can Help
Trout Unlimited is a grassroots organization. That means that our success in conserving, protecting and enhancing coldwater fisheries and their watersheds depends upon the active participation of individuals like you. Our members are our organization. They construct stream improvements, conduct monitoring of aquatic resources, hold educational programs, set conservation advocacy agendas, do fundraising, and keep the organization running strong. If you care about our coldwater fisheries and their watersheds and want to give back to them, Trout Unlimited can give you that opportunity. We can use your help.
Trout Unlimited members are often the only line of defense between environmental threats and your local trout stream. Why not make a difference?