Little Platte Lake Association

A quiet lake of 805 acres, Little Platte Lake is located in Benzie County, Michigan. The Little Platte Lake Association was formed in 2003 as a charitable non-profit with the the sole mission of preserving the lake and its environs. Membership in LPLA sustains that mission.
Through this website the LPLA Board provides information to our members and to the general public concerning both the lake and the Association. In 2018 the DNR conducted its Little Platte Lake Fisheries Survey and concluded that “Based on the number of species observed, and the average lengths at ages, it appears as though the fish community in Little Platte Lake is doing very well.” For further fishing data check out the Fishing page.
We also had our lake surveyed with respect to aquatic plants and in 2017 determined that along with a healthy variety of native aquatic plants, we had a particularly nasty, invasive one: Eurasian Water Milfoil. In 2018 we adopted an action plan, hiring Restorative Lake Sciences. Their June 2019 survey showed that along with 32 native aquatic species we had about 5.5 acres of Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM). In July we had the lake treated with a herbicide, and the October survey of Restorative Lake Sciences “determined that all EWM was effectively killed.” The latest 28-page report from December, 2021 is now available for your review here, and for more information about invasive milfoil check out our Aquatic Invasives page.
LPLA believes it is through the efforts of all citizens to take action in their own backyards and properties to stop the introduction and spread of invasive species. If you’d like to help stop invasives in the community, regular garlic mustard pulls are arranged annually at a minimum – watch for signs along Deadstream Rd for the next event. You can also learn more from the Michigan DNR, starting here: Prevent the Spread of Invasive Species. Love Your Native Michigan!