Michigan Beaches Closed Due to High Levels of Bacteria

High levels of E. coli in the Great Lakes and Michigan’s inland lakes can cause beach closures throughout the summer.  E. coli enters Michigan’s waterways from a variety of sources including faulty septic tanks, stormwater runoff, and waste from waterfowl like geese and seagulls.   Waters contaminated with E. coli are unsafe for swimming and can cause serious illness.

Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) maintains the BeachGuard website to keep the public informed about beach closures.  Local health departments conduct water tests at bathing beaches and report the results to BeachGuard.  E. coli levels higher than 300 per 100 mL are considered unsafe for total body contact recreation and require a beach closure until levels drop below the threshold.

To read the full article on The Alpena News, visit www.thealpenanews.com/news/local-news/2024/07/high-bacteria-levels-cause-closures-along-michigan-beaches/.