Large algae bloom in Lake Erie predicted for 2019

Lake Erie AB

Photo: Western Lake Erie and an algae bloom as seen from a Landsat-8 satellite in September 2017. (NASA/USGS) NOAA and its research partners are predicting that the western Lake Erie […]

Algae bloom creeping into Lake Erie from Sandusky Bay

Researchers say toxin-producing algae have formed in northern Ohio’s Sandusky Bay and are migrating into Lake Erie near Cedar Point, a signal the lake’s western basin could see massive blooms […]

Study predicts more challenges for Lake Erie shoreline residents

Residents living along the Lake Erie shoreline are expected to face more challenging conditions due to high water and erosion, according to a consultant leading the Chatham-Kent Lake Erie Shoreline […]

Michigan Agriculture and Environmental Education Workshop

The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy will host a Michigan Agriculture and Environmental Education Workshop for educators — […]

In Detroit, ‘trash fishing’ is a thing and it’s reeling in big catches

A group hauls bags of trash off the boat after a trash fishing expedition. (Photo: Trash Fishing Facebook page) Instead of hooking bass, a father and son duo are netting a […]

As floods increase, cities like Detroit are looking to green stormwater infrastructure

Urban sprawl meant paving over grasslands and wetlands, making it so water is unable to soak into the ground. Today, that impervious development, coupled with the more intense storms brought […]

Endangered piping plovers face trouble from surging Great Lakes levels

Record or near-record water levels predicted for the Great Lakes this summer mean less shoreline than usual. And that’s bad news for an endangered species reliant upon that shoreline: piping […]

Reducing harmful Lake Erie algal blooms: What will it take?

With the waters of Lake Erie starting to warm, concerns are rising about the possibility of toxic algal blooms over the summer months. There are evidence-based agricultural practices that can […]

Pesticides are all over the St. Lawrence River – many at levels that hurt fish and invertebrates

Harmful pesticides were found in nearly all samples of water from the St. Lawrence River and its tributaries, with many samples containing levels higher than the guideline to protect aquatic […]

Odit commodi ipsam quia

Occaecati ipsum possimus placeat et nesciunt omnis. Velit ut eum doloribus aut placeat sed. Quibusdam et voluptates culpa et enim qui suscipit Animi quia non omnis quo Quia Et incidunt […]