Spring Has Sprung. Spruce Up Your Sprinklers!

Original article posted by WaterSense, check out the original article here: WaterSense Spruce up your Sprinklers
Rising temperatures mean that irrigation season is right around the corner! Before jumping back into caring for your landscape, make sure to spruce up your sprinkler system as well. Winter weather can be harsh on irrigation systems, damaging sprinkler components or freezing pipes and valves. Just one broken or missing sprinkler component could waste as much as 1,000 gallons of water per week and up to 25,000 gallons of water in six months—which is why it’s so important to give your sprinkler system a little TLC this spring.
You can complete a “sprinkler spruce-up” this spring in four steps: inspect, connect, direct, and select. First, inspect your system for missing or broken sprinkler heads. Leaks can also occur at the joints between sprinklers and the piping, so connect sprinklers, pipes, and valves well to prevent water waste. Direct sprinklers towards your yard and away from sidewalks and driveways to avoid runoff into storm drains and local waterways. Finally, to ensure your yard isn’t overwatered, select a WaterSense labeled irrigation controller.
WaterSense labeled weather-based irrigation controllers can tailor watering schedules based on local weather and landscape conditions. WaterSense labeled soil moisture-based irrigation controllers detect the amount of moisture in the soil beneath the landscape and override scheduled irrigation when plants do not need water, preventing water waste and promoting plant health.
If you need extra help getting your landscape ready for the warmer weather, go with a pro! Irrigation professionals certified by a WaterSense labeled program can help you reduce your water consumption, save money, and maintain a healthy and beautiful landscape by maximizing the efficiency of your irrigation system. A certified irrigation professional can also perform an audit of your sprinkler system to ensure it’s performing at maximum efficiency. You can find an irrigation pro using this tool on the WaterSense website.