Platte Lake Improvement Association

Platte Lake Improvement Association
P.O. Box 272
Honor, Michigan 49640-0272


Since 1978 the Platte Lake Improvement Association (PLIA) has been protecting the water quality of Platte Lake and the value of your investment in lakefront property.Platte Lake has faced serious threats in the past. The PLIA responded and worked diligently to help restore the lake.

But, the job is not done yet. We need your support. Ongoing vigilance and testing will be necessary to insure compliance with the court-ordered phosphorus standard for Platte Lake. The Association is continually analyzing lake and river water quality and working with the MDNR and other organizations to insure that Platte Lake, and the value of your property, does not decline again.

The PLIA is self-funded, supported by membership dues and contributions from members and other interested parties.Contributions to the PLIA are welcomed, and are tax-deductible! (Subject to Federal and local tax codes.) Membership is available at 4 levels. Use the form below to apply for membership.

Platte Lake is located in Benzie County near the village of Honor in northwest lower Michigan. It is approximately 3.3 miles long and 1.6 miles wide, covers approximately 2550 acres, has a maximum depth of 95 feet and an average depth of 24 feet.
A watershed is an area of land that drains to a common point. The watershed for Platte Lake extends all the way to Long Lake near Traverse City. The total drainage area is 193 square miles.

There are 50 other lakes within the Platte Lake watershed.
3.5 million gallons of water flow into Platte Lake every hour.
The water in Platte Lake is replaced approximately every 8 months.
There are approximately 2.2 billion gallons of water in the lake
The Platte Lake watershed is the habitat for endangered or threatened species.
The Platte River Hatchery is the source for all the Coho Salmon in the Great Lakes.