Paddle Antrim

212 River St.
PO BOX 323
Elk Rapids, MI 49629
Paddle Antrim is a 501(C)3 organization whose mission is to protect our water resources by using paddle sports to connect people to our waterways.
Paddle Antrim is leading the efforts to develop the Chain of Lakes Water Trail. We offer many classes and events all season long.
Our mission is to protect our water resources by using paddle sports to connect people to our waterways. Through stewardship, education, improved water trail access, and promotion of our waterways we will increase water resource protection and enhance the economic vitality of the region.
- Stewardship of our waterways and protect them through on the ground projects and education.
- Access to the waterways and work to promote and improve access points for universal access to all.
- Celebrating our waterways and enjoying our water resources through all types of paddling sports.
- Strong local economy in Northern Michigan and support our local businesses and communities.
- Partnerships and act as a conduit to help provide important information about our resources to our communities and visitors.
- Our board members, staff, volunteers and friends in our communities and work to build stronger relationships to do great things.