Lesson Plans
Grade 1
Catepillars to Butterflies
Grade 2
Understanding Insects as Friends or Foes
Grade 3
States of Matter – Cold Hard Facts
States of Matter – Dancing Raisins
States of Matter – Power of Ice
Grade 4
Green Schools Recycling Campaign
How Much Usable Water Is on Earth?
Grade 5
Enviroscape Model Demonstration
Multiple Grades
Great Lakes in My World (for grades K-8)
Schoolyard Rain Gardens Guidebook (for grades 2-6)
Water Cycle Flow Model Demonstration (for Grades 4-9)
Enviroscape Model Demonstration (for Grades 2-8)
Deep Subjects – Water Wells and Groundwater (for Grades 3-6)
Is This the Way to the Drainpipe?(for Grades K-6)
MSUE: 4-H Septic Curriculum for Youth (for youth – adults)
DNR: It’s Your Niche (for Grades 2-5)
DNR: The Great Swim (for Grades 3-12)
Water Conservation and Use (for Grades 5-8)
DNR: Five Lesson Plans for Aquatic Invasive Species (for Grades 2-12) (for Grades 2-12)
A Droplet’s Journey (for Grades 1-5)
Thirstin Builds an Aquifer: Aquifer in a Cup (for Grades K-3)
Thirstin’s Groundwater Movement Activity (for Grades K-3)
How People Get Their Water (for Grades K-6)
MI Ag Classroom: Soil Texture and Water Percolation (for Grades 3-5)
Alliance for the Great Lakes: Adopt-a-Beach (for Grades 4-8)
Alliance for the Great Lakes: Beach Mysteries (for Grades 4-8)
Alliance for the Great Lakes: Beaches Over Time (for Grades K-4)
Alliance for the Great Lakes: Garbage Investigation (for Grades 4-8)
Alliance for the Great Lakes: Lake Connection (for Grades K-8)
Alliance for the Great Lakes: Litter Tag (for Grades 3-6)
Alliance for the Great Lakes: Sound Picture (for Grades 3-6)
Alliance for that Great Lakes: Taking Action (for Grades 4-8)
Rainwater Runoff: Geometry Lesson (for Grades K-2)
Drought and Trees: Plant Adaptation Lesson (for Grades 3-5)
Water and Plants Unit (for Grades K-2)
Multiple Grades
How Much Water Matching Activity Sheet
Thirstin’s Water Cycle Activity Sheet
How Water Travels Through a Leaf
Water Pollution Activity for Kids
Virtual Learning Resources
Michigan Sea Grant’s H.O.M.E.S at Home
Other Resources
The Great Lakes Basin Map (poster) for watershed education in the classroom