Middle School Water Education Teacher Resources

In this section you will find water education teacher resources and lesson plans for middle school grades 6 – 8 and ages 11 – 13. These lessons are current and up-to-date with the Michigan Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the former GLCE’s listed on each plan. We encourage you to use Michigan Sea Grant’s up to date Great Lakes Basin Map in your classroom to help give students a good visual of what a watershed is, what one they live in, and how their actions impact our water quality.

We hope that if you have lesson plans that you have created or developed that you will share those for other teachers to use. We wish to greatly expand these sections. Simply contact us  and your name will be included so you will receive full credit for your contribution.

Virtual Learning Resources

Michigan Sea Grant’s H.O.M.E.S. at Home

Lesson Plans

Grade 6

Water Conservation and Use

Layer Away Importance of Soil

Grade 7 and 8

Water Use and Flow Rate Calculation

Multiple Grades

Great Lakes in My World (for grades K-8)

Aquatic MacroInvertebrates (Virginia benchmarks) (for Grades 6 – 8)

Groundwater Flow Demonstration (for Grade 4 to 9)

Enviroscape Watershed Demonstration (for grades 2-8)

Deep Subjects – Water Wells and Groundwater (for grades 3-6)

Is This the Way to the Drainpipe (for grades K-6)

4H Septic Curriculum for Youth

DNR: It’s Your Niche (for grades 2-8)

DNR: Five Lesson Plans for AIS (for grades 2-12)

DNR: The Great Swim (for grades 3-12)

DNR: Social Carrying Capacity. AIS Edition (for grades 6-12)

DNR: Least Wanted The Invasive Sea Lamprey (for grades 6-12)

How People Get Their Water (for grades 4-8) 

How Much Water

Water Word Scramble

Water Quality Bracelet

Earth Day Bracelet

MI Ag Classroom: Learn, Protect, and Promote Water

Project WET: The Incredible Journey

MI Ag Classroom: Journey 2050 Lesson 3 Water (for grades 6-8)

Alliance for the Great Lakes: Adopt-a-Beach (for Grades 4-8)

Alliance for the Great Lakes: Beach Mysteries (for Grades 4-8)

Alliance for the Great Lakes: Garbage Investigation (for Grades 4-8)

Alliance for the Great Lakes: Lake Connection (for Grades K-8)

Alliance for the Great Lakes: Litter Tag (for Grades 3-6)

Alliance for the Great Lakes: Sound Picture (for Grades 3-6)

Alliance for the Great Lakes: Taking Action (for Grades 4-8)

Water Cycle Unit Plan (for Grades 6-8)

Environmental Restoration: Social Studies Lesson (for Grades 6-12)

Other Resources

The Great Lakes Basin Map (poster) for watershed education in the classroom

We’re all connected by water.