Michigan has over eight million acres of land accessible to the general public, 12,000 miles of state trails, and the second longest coastline in the country providing access to the Great Lakes, rivers, and streams.  There are almost limitless options for outdoor recreation throughout the year including hiking, biking, boating, stand-up paddle boarding, fishing, hunting, camping, skiing, snowmobiling, and more. 

As we enjoy the great outdoors in Michigan, we have a responsibility to limit our impact on the environment.  Do your part to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species, reduce plastic pollution in our waterways, and encourage the installation of green infrastructure in our public spaces.  Take advantage of opportunities to volunteer for local clean-up events and citizen science activities to monitor the health of our water bodies.

Check out these resources that will help limit your impact on water quality by making small changes in your community.

We’re all connected by water.